Saturday, May 31, 2014

Blast from the Past: 2003

In August of 2003, my plan to leave my position as a locomotive shop manager at Union Pacific and to return to college at Central Washington University was in full swing.  

A good friend of mine, Charlie Springer, an engineer working the Ayer Sub (Spokane, WA to Hinkle, OR), had been called for an empty grain train (GERGET-03: GE=Grain Empty, RG=Rivergate, OR, ET=Eastport, ID) on a Friday night.  He knew that I had that Fri-Sat off so he called me and asked if I wanted one last ride.  I eagerly accepted without the slightest hesitation.  

Somewhere between Wells and Cheney, Charlie took this photo of me in the engineer's seat as we rolled along at 40 mph.  

As luck would have it, my journey to Spokane on the empty grainer turned out to be my second-to-last ride.  Upon our arrival in Spokane, I caught a southbound METHK (M=Manifest, ED=Eastport, ID, HK=Hinkle, OR) and ended up back at Hinkle a full 24 hours after my adventure commenced.  

Me, Myself and I enroute to Spokane, WA (August 2003)

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